Friday, November 16, 2007
Talked on the phone with dad regarding our new house's renovation. haha, dad said for my room jus give me a bed and cupboard will do, or else I will always stay at home and would not want to leave home. hehe, I think he is starting to get worried as I am turning 20 soon and still single. lolx~ I said at least supply me with a table and internet mar...then dad say lagi tak boleh! bcos with internet then i will always stick in front of my computer le...lolx~ cute dad! i miss dad so much...i miss his hugs and manja-ing with him...52 days more to go till my flight leaves melbourne.
Even now, I am already starting to miss melbourne although I am still here. Life will be so different back in m'sia. the weather, the public transport, the internet speed etc. haha, funny me right? awaiting to go back home but starting to perli things back in m'sia. bow and arrow situation. =p anyway, I do still hope that I will come back here one day to build my own family here. Future, looks so far from now though...
having bad rashes on both of my elbows. itch till I hiam hiam go long-piak lar. went to see the doc and presribed me with a cream. that tube of cream cost me $16.95. my god...I can go eat a good meal of dim-sum liao lor...hope it heals soon lar, if not have to go see doc again le. best if can gimme a jab heal it in a few hours time. grrrr.....fedup.
woohoo, i finished 20 episodes of show within a nite + a day. my eyes almost pop-out. my roomie must have thought i gila siao le bcos i was crying here and laughing there...haha, paiseh paiseh. ok lar, I am abit crying baby de lar. lil lil things will be enuf to make me cry. so when you talk to me becareful ok? before i start crying the next secone and you will go siao.
things and people are changing. I am not sure what will be waiting for me upon my return. BUT I believe I will be brave enough to stand up if ever I fall. I am in the process of learning to be 坚强. I know that it will be a rough journey ahead for me. Even if I were to fall and bleed, I have faith in myself that I will stand up and continue till I reach the end of it. Wish me luck guys...
btw, I am looking for voluntary work in Melbourne. a better way to utilise my holidays rather than rot at home in front of my laptop mar...=)
Sunday, October 14, 2007
random ngam cham
finals is already very very near. its jus 3 weeks away. erm, i needa start kicking lar. i don't know how many times i will say that, but i know tomorrow i am going for dim-sum and shopping at Myer first. teehee, theres sales! hope to get something that suits what i want, although i myself is also not sure what am i actually looking for. =p
thats all for tonite. good nite and sweet dreams! don't let the bed bugs bite! =)
85 days to 7th Jan 2008.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
finally done
i would like to say thanks here to those ppl who helped me get thru this assignment in a smoother pace, although its not reli tat smooth lar. haha, you know who you are. =) and thanks to those fishy ppl who forced me to learn tat reality is harsh. ya. true. its harsh! i still can't seem to accept it though...but i'll learn to.
anyway, i hope i'll be starting to kick of for the finals. soon. very soon. very very soon. very very very soon. extremely soon. wish me luck ok? i'll be glad if you do. =)
89 days to go till 7th january 2008.
Monday, October 08, 2007
the most stupid thing to do!
mum asked me how was my studies while skype-ing with her yesterday. she asked me, only 50% of what the lecturer you understand ar? then how?......i was stunned, because i never told her bout that before, takkan she read my blog?! oh no...pray hard i will do well in my finals. 4 air tickets have been bought and i can't afford to not graduate end of this year! all of you out there, wish me luck! =p
counting the days down to 7th janunary 08! 92 days more to go! i'm so excited! =)
Friday, October 05, 2007
Random ngam cham
I always believe the theory of 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆. however, this does not seem to be happening in real life wor... did unexpectedly bad for my mid-semesters. i thought that i will at least be an average student by getting the average mark, mana tau i was always a bit more behind the average mark. for example my investments, 0.75 behind the average mark. audit oso, 3 marks behind the average mark and corp fin dono how many marks behind. is so frustrating lar. i studied like shit (that's what i think lar) but i get shitty results, so should i work like shit summore ar....can anyone tell me?
i think i am sort of 'allergic' to flu tablets. without fail for the past few rounds after taking it i had terrible, scary dreams. dreams that make me 飚冷汗 to think about it. then i end up sleeping for 11 hours instead of my originally planned of 8 solid hours and in the end, more...tired instead of refreshing (but my nose stop leaking lar).
one more month and the finals will be here. finishing 4 subjects in exactly a week doesn't seem to be so great after all. i rather have a gap of a week between each subject. i don't mind closing the door for REB if i can have more time to prepare for my subjects. will be fun besides the fact that i will be worried till the results are out! =)
p/s: the fact to whether apply for pr is still bothering me. how?! how?! how?!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Exam timetables
6th Nov - Investments
7th Nov - Corporate Finance
9th Nov - Auditing and Assurance Services
13th Nov - Taxation Law
So.....anyone of you want to come over to Melbourne after 13th Nov? Wish me luck and bless me in order to stop surfing internet till the exams end! I can't stop surfing the net leh...Blog-hopping is soooooooooo fun! Fluff racing for fluff pets on Facebook is soooooooo fun too! XD
Monday, September 24, 2007
had been ages ago since i cooked a proper meal this year. suddenly this afternoon when i woke up i started craving for pork rib curry! after a quick shower, rushed down to IGA to get some pork ribs and the curry paste. hohoho, in an hour, tada! my curry is done! mana tau hor, i forgot to cook rice =.=, so i just ate it with pita bread lor...
life is soooooooooo extremely hectic this semester. assignments started to pour in and then mid-sem tests and continue again with assignments. did quite badly for the first taxation law assignment and the second one i started cutting more than 300 words like nobody's business...hope the marker will understand what i wrote. XD
wasted more than half of my holiday surfing the internet. from facebook to friendster to blog-hopping. found a few interesting blogs, especially those that blog about good food. see till eye big big and mouth starting to drool pula...
will be returning to m'sia on 7th january 2008 instead of 31st december 2007. dad won't be coming for my graduation and an & sulin will be coming on 23rd december. disappointed lar dad can't come =(. looking forward to return back home. i reli reli reli reli reli reli reli miss everything back home. will be moving to Bandar Puteri next year i think. woohoo! i can visit ah lee very often then! muahahahahahaha!
finally...hope i won't continue wasting the rest of my holiday lar...good luck to goon mun who will be sitting for a paper in november and to mum yee who have left for uk to further her studies and to pang zi for his wisdom teeth operation tomorrow and to myself to be able to 顺顺利利 graduate end of this year! GAMBATE! =)
Friday, August 17, 2007
12月1日 愉快放纵者
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
一日,他將兩 個得意弟子叫到面前,這兩個弟子一個叫慧明,一個叫塵元。高僧對他們說:「你們倆誰能憑自己的力量,從寺院後面懸崖的下面攀爬上來,誰將是我的接班人。」慧明和塵元一同來到懸崖下,那真是一面令人望之生畏的懸崖,崖壁極其險峻陡峭。
身體健壯的慧明,信心百倍地開始攀爬。但是不一會兒他就從上面滑了下來。慧明爬起來重新開始,儘管這一次他小心翼翼,但還是從山坡上面滾落到原地。慧明稍事休息了後又開始攀爬,儘管摔得鼻青臉腫,他也絕不放棄…… 讓人感到遺憾的是,慧明屢爬屢摔,最後一次他拼盡全身之力,爬到半山腰時,因氣力已盡,又無處歇息,重重地摔到一塊大石頭上,當場昏了過去。高僧不得不讓幾個僧人用繩索,將他救了回去。
接著輪到塵元了,他一開始也是和慧明一樣,竭盡全力地向崖頂攀爬,結果也屢爬屢摔。塵元緊握繩索站在一塊山石上面,他打算再試一次,但是當他不經意地向下看了一眼以後,突然放下了用來攀上崖頂的繩索。然後他整了整衣衫,拍了拍身上的泥土,扭頭向著山下走去 。 旁觀的眾僧都十分不解,難道塵元就這麼輕易的放棄了?大家對此議論紛紛。只有高僧默然無語地看著塵元的去向。
塵元向同修們 解釋:「寺後懸崖乃是人力不能攀登上去的。但是只要於山腰處低頭下看,便可見一條上山之路。師父經常對我們說: "明者因境而變,智者隨 情而行 ",就是教導我們要知伸縮退變的啊。」
高僧滿意地點了點頭說:「若為名利所誘,心中則只有面前的懸崖絕壁。天不設牢,而人自在心中建牢。在 名利牢籠之內,徒勞苦爭,輕者苦惱傷心,重者傷身損肢,極重者粉身碎骨。 」然後高僧將衣缽錫杖傳交給了塵元,並語重心長地對大家說: 「攀爬懸崖,意在堪驗你們心境,能不入名利牢籠,心中無礙,順天而行者,便是我中意之人。 」
世間痴情之人,執著於勇氣和頑強者不在少數, 但是往往卻如故事中的慧明一樣,並不能達到心中嚮往的那個地方,只是摔得鼻青臉腫,最終一無所獲。 在己之所欲面前,我們缺少的是一份低頭看的淡泊和從容。
Monday, July 02, 2007
To really count, the ones that i know well, only 3 out of so many of us that really went ahead and pursued what they had in their mind -- PM, to be a pharmacist, she did A-levels and now NUS has offered her a place in pharmaceutical; SN, as far as i knew, she wanted to be an architech, and she's now doing it in Taylors; and SK, who wanted to be a doc, is currently in UCSI.
For my gang, I think only PM went after pursuing her dreams she had before in secondary school. For those that did not, a very good example, its ME! I even told my juniors that I will NEVER EVER step into COMMERCE. And where am I today? Studying ACCOUNTING. the only thing I can do is to comfort myself, telling myself that if i really did law, med or pharmaceutical, i wouldn't be here, in Melb Uni, a prestigious uni, i would had been in Shanghai's Second Medical Uni (if they had accepted me...) or another uni that provides law courses. I am here today, in Aust, to add a color to it, I'm in Melb Uni, all because i had done Accounting. Should I be glad with myself of should I be disappointed? Can someone tell me? Never in my secondary school life I imagined that I will ever do commerce...gosh...
Back to the topic. LS had always wanted to be a dentist. We even joked that if ever in the near future our children's teeth 'sengek', we'll bring them to her dental clinic; if ever, any of them wanna have a divorce or wanna wirte a will, come and find me, and i'll help them fight for more; if ever any of us need supplement of medicines, we can look for PM...etc. At that time, we were laughing every day, no worries for the future, unaware that in the end, only one out of so many of us that really had the initiative to go ahead in pursuing our dreams.
However, regretting now is too late for us (or should I say me?). Most of us are half way through our course and I am the only one among our gang graduating end of this (if everthing goes well ...), and the outside world is waiting for me, all those evil beings welcoming me into their world, waiting for me to step into the traps laid ahead...LIFE IS NEVER PERFECT, and I hope i will lead a 'lively' life after I graduate, not what people nowadays always says, NO LIFE de!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Friday, May 04, 2007
i look awful in this photo! >.<
results for the mid-sem papers are out too. did quite badly for my Derivative Securities. should i be glad that i passed the paper or should i be angry that i didn't work hard enough for this paper? 15 out of 30. thats really bad. my target was at least 20. Financial Accounting was not too bad. 31 out of 40. glad that i hit my target of 30. haha, at least i hit one out of my 3 targets right? =) Accounting for Corporate Entities paper's results are not out yet. hope i have a fair mark though.
missing m'sia soooo much. exam time tables are out and i will be finishing my finals on 14th june! asked for dad's permission to go back to m'sia but this round he's quite firm with his decision to not let me go home! T.T missing my babies so much. had a bad dream of Lucky man last night. really scare me off. didn't manage to continue with a good sleep after i woke up from that dream. hope everything back in m'sia is fine. dad tends not to tell me what is really happening back at home as he knows very well that i will be worried over here but i feel so out of the way not knowing what is happening mar...=(
anyway, really looking forward for mum coming in july or september perhaps! another thing, why wesak day in m'sia was on 1 May but Buddha's day here is 19 or 20 May?! so big difference de? hmm... =.="'
Thursday, April 12, 2007
an &amp; win: 很想念与你们顶嘴的日子,小小的争吵,小小的打架,大大的拥抱...
happy & lucky: miss hugging both of you, happy you sure good girl de,lucky man, you don so picky for food lar, if don't eat then cannot come out of the cage eh...
丽珊、莞雯、洁敏: 一起加油!等我回到去我们一起去吃hi-tea!
sulin: 期末考要来了,祝你好运!考完就可以回槟城了!加油!
a lil more things to share or i should say what i've really learned and now i have found a way to express it through a forwarded mail:
i've learned -
that you cannot make someone love you,
all you can do is be someone who can be loved.
the rest is up to them
i've learned -
that no matter how much i care,
some people just don't care back.
i've learned -
that it takes years to build up trust,
and only seconds to destroy it.
i've learned -
that it's now what you have in your life,
but who you have in your life that counts.
i've learned -
that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes.
after that, you'd better know something.
i've learned -
that you shouldn't compare
yourself to the best others can do,
but to the best you can do.
i've learned -
that you can do something in an instant
that will give you heartache for life.
i've learned -
that it's not what happens to people that's important,
it's what they do about it.
i've learned -
that no matter how thin you slice it,
there are always two sides.
i've learned -
that it's taking me a long time,
to become the person i want to be.
Friday, April 06, 2007
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
参加了中文戏剧组。好怀念当初在广播组时的一切。从学妹们至在control room的感觉。一切都在自己的掌控中的感觉、那种在顺利地完成另一项任务时的成就感。
星期六到smith st.逛街。买了一件冷衣及一件上衣。算是种情绪上的发泄吧!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
its quite a heavy load for me this sem (or year i would say). i'm in my third year. THIRD YEAR?! and in less than a year, i'll be graduating (if i pass everything smoothly)! for EPM, i'll need to hand in group assignments every week. around 1000 words perhaps... lectures are like 2 straight hours besides for ACE and EPM makes me feel drowsy...3 hours straight!
finished watching 千谎百计 and 肥田喜事, each in 2 days time. bah, i just can't stop once i start. so theres one more last show for me and i'll stop for then.
was thinking whether i should sign up for any caps or plans anot. my hp sometimes hang hang lidat. so frustrating. nokia 6288? sony ericson w810i? sony ericson k800i? i've no idea and i think i'm giving up... maybe jus leave it and get a new phone when i get back. one more thing! i manage to 'cure' my Kingston! i recovered my data storage space! soooooooo glad!
anyway, hope that everything goes smoothly ahead for me. i'm on diet. yeah, first time in my life i am on diet. only had rice twice since i came back, excluding the 4 handrolls i had... only have milk with cereal or egg with ham or a fruit for dinner and most importantly, no food after 9pm. hoping i will cut down at least 5 kilos?!
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
- had my bd party 2 days after i reach m'sia. wow, miss all my darlings so much.
- manage to finish my intern with EY for 2.5 mths. it was really a remarkable experience for me. this is also my first so-call "job".
- spoil my new 1gb kingston thumbdrive to becoming oni 98.2mb left...T.T and dad had to get me another new one lolx!
- made 20kg of fried nga ku. p/s: actually mum said 10kg enuf, but hor, i very tam chia, so i ask for 20kg, at the end make till omos pengsan...XD
- baked cornflake cookies,cornflour cookies, almond toffee cookies, kuih bangkit oni, bcos no time mar
- cut my hair twice =)
- finish watching “天涯侠医”
- learned to love yoga
- went for bowling with family till my left leg got cramp =.="
- learned to make 'movable' paper cranes
- oni went for shopping not more than 5 times
- ate everything i listed down on my 'list of must eat food'
- make my mum n dad so angry of me
- and most importantly......i gained at least 3.5kg!!!
anywayz, new year new wish mar rite, ok. i hope that i will finish my final year in uni with flying colors lor, then, hope tat i can make up my decision to whether i want to stay bac in oz to get pr or to cum bac to m'sia. haha, thinks thats all lar.
lastly, wishing all my fellow frens a happy new year!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
had been photostating, sorting, clipping and filing in those dividend warrants for so many days and theres' still a whole stack there waiting for me tomorrow. to make things worst, i still have 2 tax comps waiting to be continued and one more to be amended. T.T i missed liwei's bd party and had been having bad migraines during the afternoons... WHERE IS MY HOLIDAYS?!
okok, CHILLING! putting aside this task, i'm actually enjoying my intern. get to know more ppl and learn to communicate better. btw, its soon coming to an end in a mth's time. there will be a 'farewell, appreciation and birthday party' at Monte's at BSC on thursday. and in more than a mth's time i will be leaving bac to oz...i jus hate the idae going bac there! bh...i hate melb!!!
anywayz, glad to held a birthday party cum gathering on the 3rd day i reach m'sia. reli had sooooooooooo much fun with kc's frens. sure too, we get to know some 'latest position' of some of our 'so call frens' lolx! had reli a very good time. hope to meet up again with them before leaving.
poor thing me, missed the gathering for liwei's bd. havent met with vu frens since i came bac. missing so many of them, the great time we had together during my first year! luckily had a few talk with thor before started working. again, i hope to meet up with them too.
ok lar, gtg pompom le and sleep early. panda eye shadows are coming back! @_@ anywayz, a late happy new year to all of you out there! may the year sail smoothly for all of us! =D