Monday, July 02, 2007


Had been giving myself some time to drop into my secondary shool time memories for the past few days. Suddenly, something crossed my mind: how many among us that really went ahead in pursuing out dreams?

To really count, the ones that i know well, only 3 out of so many of us that really went ahead and pursued what they had in their mind -- PM, to be a pharmacist, she did A-levels and now NUS has offered her a place in pharmaceutical; SN, as far as i knew, she wanted to be an architech, and she's now doing it in Taylors; and SK, who wanted to be a doc, is currently in UCSI.

For my gang, I think only PM went after pursuing her dreams she had before in secondary school. For those that did not, a very good example, its ME! I even told my juniors that I will NEVER EVER step into COMMERCE. And where am I today? Studying ACCOUNTING. the only thing I can do is to comfort myself, telling myself that if i really did law, med or pharmaceutical, i wouldn't be here, in Melb Uni, a prestigious uni, i would had been in Shanghai's Second Medical Uni (if they had accepted me...) or another uni that provides law courses. I am here today, in Aust, to add a color to it, I'm in Melb Uni, all because i had done Accounting. Should I be glad with myself of should I be disappointed? Can someone tell me? Never in my secondary school life I imagined that I will ever do commerce...gosh...

Back to the topic. LS had always wanted to be a dentist. We even joked that if ever in the near future our children's teeth 'sengek', we'll bring them to her dental clinic; if ever, any of them wanna have a divorce or wanna wirte a will, come and find me, and i'll help them fight for more; if ever any of us need supplement of medicines, we can look for PM...etc. At that time, we were laughing every day, no worries for the future, unaware that in the end, only one out of so many of us that really had the initiative to go ahead in pursuing our dreams.

However, regretting now is too late for us (or should I say me?). Most of us are half way through our course and I am the only one among our gang graduating end of this (if everthing goes well ...), and the outside world is waiting for me, all those evil beings welcoming me into their world, waiting for me to step into the traps laid ahead...LIFE IS NEVER PERFECT, and I hope i will lead a 'lively' life after I graduate, not what people nowadays always says, NO LIFE de!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, cowcow008 agree with jenny ...majority of us are unable to accomplish our ambition. However, Jen, i want to remind you that you forgot KY and Francisca who want to be doc and now persuing their studies at China.
My dream, were to be a successful business woman...but, reality does defeat me. As we all know,it is better to go overseas or join tweening programme for those who wish to study business. My barrier is financial problem.
And, that's why i'm here, another prestigious university as Jen's, NTU, studying environmental engineer. Sometimes really cant imagine how my life would be as a engineer. 人就是为现实所折服的, 人习惯于屈服在命运之下, 当然,另一个说法就是我没有勇气去改变, 我是个懦夫。。。

I admit that i'm that kind of 'money-minded' person.What i hope is just to earn more money and have a simple and happy life...

fom cowcow008