Friday, October 05, 2007

Random ngam cham

Wisdom Quote for the day by 慧海法师:
“ 是非不传播,对错不糊涂。

I always believe the theory of 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆. however, this does not seem to be happening in real life wor... did unexpectedly bad for my mid-semesters. i thought that i will at least be an average student by getting the average mark, mana tau i was always a bit more behind the average mark. for example my investments, 0.75 behind the average mark. audit oso, 3 marks behind the average mark and corp fin dono how many marks behind. is so frustrating lar. i studied like shit (that's what i think lar) but i get shitty results, so should i work like shit summore ar....can anyone tell me?

i think i am sort of 'allergic' to flu tablets. without fail for the past few rounds after taking it i had terrible, scary dreams. dreams that make me 飚冷汗 to think about it. then i end up sleeping for 11 hours instead of my originally planned of 8 solid hours and in the end, more...tired instead of refreshing (but my nose stop leaking lar).

one more month and the finals will be here. finishing 4 subjects in exactly a week doesn't seem to be so great after all. i rather have a gap of a week between each subject. i don't mind closing the door for REB if i can have more time to prepare for my subjects. will be fun besides the fact that i will be worried till the results are out! =)

p/s: the fact to whether apply for pr is still bothering me. how?! how?! how?!

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